Monday, March 22, 2010

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Phil. 4:13

Yet again I am pressed for time. Today has been busy, although pleasantly so. I want to make this a habit though- for myself. So, I will try to get in a few lines before I need to fly out the door again...

Perhaps I downplayed my "fear of failure" a little bit. I deal with A LOT of anxiety. So much so that I was on prescription drugs for a while to control paralyzing panic attacks. I am much better now, but I am always conscious of the fact that it can get out of control under the right circumstances. I want to do my best to avoid that. I have read many secular writings about controlling anxiety. Some of the suggestions help a little bit, but they don't get to the root of my problem. I think that my anxiety is really just another negative side effect of not feeling close to God. Like I said in a previous post, I know that improving my communication with Him is the key to feeling closer to Him. I have a post incubating right now about what hinders my prayer life, so that should be coming soon. But, tonight I will touch on the other end of that dynamic. I need to be in God's word more! I have been working on that by trying to study and/or meditate daily; but I think I have been missing out on an important piece of the puzzle. I need God's word to be filling my mind in a way it hasn't before. It's time to start memorizing. I'm starting small and memorizing verses that will specifically help in moments of anxiety, but I hope to challenge myself more and more as I go. The first group of verses I am putting in my head for good are in Psalm 121.

"I will lift up my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; the LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil, he shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."

Beautiful isn't it?

I can't wait.

O.k., that will have to be it for tonight. I'm getting ready to fly out the door.
Love to all- Erin


  1. Am really looking forward to reading your other post. I really need to be working on my prayer life as well. I think it's probably my biggest hindrance right now to spiritual growth. And memorizing scriptures is a great idea! Seems so simple so let's do it!

  2. I LOVE your attitude! It gives me confidence:)

  3. I love Psalm 121 and I loved this post. Where exactly were you flying out the door to when you wrote this?

  4. To hang out with an ailing friend:)
