Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday morning

I'm having the "end of vacation" blues. Spring break is over and it is back to normal life. It is all a mental thing for me... We didn't do anything over spring break that I can't do with the two little ones during a regular week. And, it is really EASIER to have just two to take care of rather than four. But still, I feel the way I always have when school starts- melancholy. I miss David more this morning too and he wasn't even home last week! It doesn't help that I have a doctor appointment looming this Wednesday. I don't want to get into over-share territory, but I have been having some digestive issues that need to be addressed. I've been through this before in my early twenties and it isn't fun. I will go through the unpleasant tests though to get some answers. The likelihood is that it is not a life threatening problem- just irritating and mildly uncomfortable; but there is always the possibility that it is something really bad and my mind is REALLY good at coming up with those worst case scenarios! Peace of mind... will I ever really own it?
The good news for the week is twofold:
1) We really did have a good spring break. One of my April resolutions is to have more fun with my kids and I made good on that last week. Sean didn't even find a whole lot to complain about. I kept him too busy!
2) I have a name for my business: Twiddly Bits. I am moving closer toward my goal!

Now to push past the mean reds and get something done TODAY...

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