Thursday, June 17, 2010

My sweet, BIG girl.

This makes my heart ache a little bit. A glimpse into the future...


  1. oh Lily, she IS getting to be such a big girl.

  2. oh MY!!! Wow! Has it really been that long since I've seen you? She's huge! Which means you probably wouldn't believe Lydia as I watched the exact same scene unfold at my house just 2 days ago.

    I miss you! Love your blog! how in the world do you have time to do that? When you're not sick, I mean. lol!

  3. Well hey there Christy! It's so good to hear from you:)
    I would write this stuff down one way or another anyway. I process by writing. So, I decided to do this and maybe encourage someone else along the way. Sometimes I write every day, but sometimes it is more like once a week. I enjoy it. How's life?
