Section number 4 has me confounded:
Take Time for Projects
Not really Biblical so much.
The author is talking about getting involved with her kids in the inevitable "projects" of childhood that adults usually try to shy away from: making macaroni necklaces, homemade bird-feeders, hand-made presents for grandma, etc. I don't think I ever really grew out of that phase myself. I still love doing stuff like that, so I probably would have skipped over this part if it weren't for this assignment... A Bible verse to go along with this topic. Really?
I think the main point is that we should be trying to connect with our kids. It is good for them and for us. I am going to focus on the good it does for the adults to enter "kid world" because I have an idea about how I can tie a Biblical concept in here...
I think it is good for us, as adults, to take the time and see things through the eyes of our children. They often see beauty or fun where we would not. For instance: One day someone brought up gardens and my daughter exclaimed, "Oh! We have a garden with BEAUTIFUL flowers in it!." I would never, in a million years describe our pitiful yard in such glowing terms. There are no, I repeat, NO planted flowers of any kind in our yard. There are an awful lot of weeds that look slightly flower-like. Those are what she was referring to. She is always picking them and bringing them to me to put in vases around the house. The boys did the same thing when they were younger. Pre-children I would have put much more value on expensive flowers from a store. But now I see the things in my own front yard in a different light. Lowly weeds can be beautiful too. I probably wouldn't have noticed them without my kids though. Or, if I had, I would have seen them in a bad light. I would want to get rid of them, not bring them inside for decorations. It is a simpler, more laid-back view of the world and I like it.
As far as finding a verse to go along with those thoughts... Here is my pick, take it or leave it:
"Jesus...said to them, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it," And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them."
-Mark 10:14-16
Now, I understand that He is talking about purity of heart here. But, I think that theme ties into my post. Connecting with our children teaches us something about what we should be like before God. He wants that same wide eyed innocence and trust from us. He wants us to be honest, tenderhearted, receptive to love, joyful, etc. ...qualities that become more difficult to hold on to as adults. We often see ourselves as the primary teachers, but it appears there is a lot we should be learning from the children in our lives.
I am VERY eager to see what other people found!
Any ideas from you guys?
since we talked about this earlier you already know my thoughts. Proverbs 31 - projects with purpose. PPP
ReplyDelete(i'm being influenced by someone who adores using alliteration and i find it surprising how much it's sliding into my speech)
btw: LOVED and cannot bring myself to toss out the flowers Lily sent me. they're sitting on the sill, half dead but i still smile when I look up from doing dishes. :)